Price Water House Coopers Limited
Price Water House Coopers Limited
Location : Dar Es Salaam Email :

The aim of our alumni network is to keep you in touch with your former colleagues and friends as well as PwC. Through the various PwC alumni programmes around the world, you can find out about our latest services and offerings as well as about alumni news and events.

So, if you are an alumnus (of either PwC, Coopers & Lybrand, or Price Waterhouse), why not get in touch with us now.

Here are the links to our alumni programmes around the world:

Our Analyst Relations (AR) program develops and expands relationships with leading business technology and industry analysts worldwide. We help provide the analyst community with differentiating insight into PwC’s business through facilitating research and providing line of sight across global lines of service. This helps educate analysts in support of their assessments, opinions, reports, and references to PwC. Analyst research and commentary, in turn, provides PwC and the public—including current and prospective clients—objective, third-party validation of our market-leading position and capabilities.

Sound governance and transparency form the bedrock of leadership. At PwC, we are committed to serving as a force for integrity, good sense and wise solutions to the problems facing businesses and the capital markets today.

Transparency and good standards of corporate governance — both in our clients' businesses and in our own — are central to our ability to achieve those objectives. We aim to continue to achieve them from a position of strength as a leader in our profession.

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Since : 01-01-1970
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